Monday, September 20, 2010

He noticed.... a man with a leaf blower. As he drove by clear as day, the man seemed to misjudge the distance of the car and sent a fresh pile of fall leaves right through Mrs. Mitty's window. Mrs. Mitty screamed like banshee, and Mr Mitty slammed on the breaks.

"Don't worry Miss, I'll save you!" Captain Might called as he swooped down out of the sky. His brightly coloured cape, as blue as the ocean, fluttered behind him like the tail of a kite. The young attractive woman screamed as she was pushed off of the 20 storey building. Dr. Evillio smiled like a Cheshire cat and jumped into the helicopter, laughing himself into stitches all the way to the edge of the city. As Captain Might raced gravity to save this damsel in distress he noticed a large construction crane working on the building beside them. He flew faster, it was no secret that Captain Might was no spring chicken. As he grabbed the woman he also grabbed the large hooked end of the crane. As he caught the woman in his arms, and put her on the ground she kissed his cheek. "Thank-you Captain Might!" she said as he flew away still carrying the hook. Feeling even more high and mighty, he spend up trying to catch the helicopter. The woman, who had now fallen head over heels, fainted. As Captain Might zoomed after Dr. Evilo he remembered what his butler Jeeves had said, "You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink. Of course thought Captain Might, I can give him a chance to make the right decision without sending him to jail first! That will get under his skin! As the helicopter slowed Captian Might prepaired to make a safe and willing arrest when all of a sudden-

''Watler! Walter! Did you see what that man just did, I hate this neighborhood.'' Walter Mitty sighed, I guess you can't have your cake, and eat it too.

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